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Twitter’s new feature


Near the end of February, Twitter announced its new feature, (no it's not an 'edit tweet' feature) where you can add a tweet to one that you already tweeted. Now, you can connect your tweets. 

 It's rather simple to do; compose your tweet, pull down to view your older tweets, select the tweet you'd like to add too and you're finished. It truly is that easy! 

Even though we still can't edit a tweet, this is the closest we will probably get. At least we can revise old tweets with new ones. 

So, how does this benefit your business, well you can easily reshare tweets you have made in the past. For example, when running a promotion you can add a new tweet to this, thereby sharing the tweet and reminding people to enter. 

Social media continues to be a vital platform for businesses to promote themselves and features like this make it just a little bit easier (and more fun).

 If we can help you with your social media accounts then get in touch. We have a lot more tips and tricks up our sleeve.

gareth slaughter