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Five tips to create a great Instagram account

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Social media is a massive part of what we do at CAKE, from managing accounts to supplying social plans, we cover a vast range of avenues. There are so many reasons why social media is important in marketing, for example, almost three-quarters of all adults with internet access have at least one social media account with the average adult spending 2.7 hours on social media each day… that’s a whole lot of opportunity for your brand to be seen.   

Today we’re focusing on the influencer favourite, Instagram. Read on to learn some of the tips and tricks that we’ve learnt along the way: 

 Choose your style (and stick to it) 

Are you a creative agency or a corporate business? Do you focus on life-style photography or graphics? Pick a style and stick to it. Someone visiting your grid needs to be able to get an idea of what your brand is and what you specialise in swiftly. A consistent style always looks more appealing to the eye and will help users instantly recognise you in their feed.  

Use relevant hashtags

Content with 11 or more hashtags tends to receive more engagement than those with less. Firstly, we’d suggest using hashtags relevant to your company/brand and then move on to hashtags applicable to your post. Hashtags will help give you an audience that is more likely to engage with your posts, due to already having an interest in that particular hashtag. And when you hit the algorithm right, you’ll find your interactions will soar. 

Stories and more stories

Use this feature to show more of your brand’s personality by using it as almost a ‘behind the scenes’ area. People can get to know your brand on more of a personal level and therefore engage more. You can also use stories to promote new posts and link through to other posts. 


This goes without saying really, but make sure you engage with your followers. Where possible (and while avoiding the trolls), every comment, like or share should be acknowledged. Reply to comments, like peoples posts who have liked yours and share other people’s posts. To be really on the ball, it’s great to occasionally go through your newsfeed and like and comment on others posts, to get your name out there and encourage others to visit your profile.


Like most things in life, consistency is key. If you post regularly with engaging content then more people will be inclined to engage with you. You could even post around the same time so that people start to relate you to that time. Review your analytics and test what time of day you’re posting and get the most engagement. If you’re a B2B brand, think about focusing on working hours (whatever those are) and if you’re B2C, scheduling posts for evenings and weekends can work better. There is some great scheduling software about to make your lives a tad easier, but don’t forget…engage!

 We love social media and we’d love to help you with yours. If you’d like to learn more about any of our tips, or learn the ones we didn’t share, get in touch, we’d love to be involved with your brand! Follow us on Instagram if you want to keep up to date with what we’re up to as an agency, there might even be the occasional dog pic for you but we promise no #ad

gareth slaughter